Book an appointment

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Book a Nurse Appointment, and get ready to know your feet again.

  • This appointment begins with a Nursing Assessment of the feet and toenails. The Nurse will use several tools to shorten and cleanse toenails and lightly remove excess callus and dystrophic nails. With the time left, the Nurse will then provide gentle stimulation to the lower leg & feet to promote inherent healing processes.

    Consider booking a longer appointment if nails are extremely overgrown, or feet are very sensitive.

  • ​ This appointment begins with a Nursing Health Interview and Focused Nursing Assessment, followed by a Plan of Care. The Nurse will use several tools to shorten and cleanse toenails, remove excess callus and dystrophic nail, and 'buff' the skin. The Nurse will then provide stimulation for circulation to the lower leg & feet, and will guide the patient through 10 minutes of guided flexibility and strength of the lower leg and feet, to prevent falls, injury, and promote foot and posture integrity.

  • In addition to the “Full Care” treatment option, the patient will receive 30 minutes of Guided Stability and Strengthening Range-of-Motion exercise which has been shown to improve rates of atrophy-related injury, falls, and blood circulation. If the patient has prescribed Physical Therapy home exercises, this time can be applied to performing those as well.

  • Are your hearing aid earmolds / domes gunky? Don't get them wet! We'll bring a tiny brush and clear out what we can!

    Add on our ear visualization service to see if it's an excess wax, or potential injury!

    We do not fix hearing aids- if tubes are broken, we will defer to your Audiologist.

  • Are you wondering what's going on in there, and can't get into your Audiologist yet?

    Our device can photograph or even record the inside of your external ear canal! We do not diagnose, but you can send the video to your prescriber to let them know what you're seeing today. Please don't use Q-tips! Tiny bits of cotton can remain, causing further irritation and itching. Sticking items inside of the ear mostly pushes buildup further, unless you can see what you're doing. Let us show you!

    Do you know you already need regular wax removal? We got you.

    ~We do not offer wet ear cleaning (ear lavage) at this time.

  • Using an automated blood pressure machine is better than nothing, but they are often inaccurate, especially for positional checks (standing vs sitting vs transitioning). We can check your BP manually with our cuff and sensitive stethoscope, to provide you an accurate reading. The checks will happen before and after your service, unless you prefer postural checks.

  • The Nail Polish we use is one of several brands designed by Medical Doctors which have added Anti-fungal properties. Unfortunately, these polishes are not for everyone, as they have several essential oils that folks may have allergies to, and some fungal nails need to ‘breathe’, which is reduced with polish.

  • This is an over-the-counter "OTC" (buy anywhere) product that you know and hopefully love. One supplement to anti-fungal treatments for nails is to apply mentholated products! The (tooth)brush is for application, so that it is the only brush which touches the fungal toenail. Fungus is spreadable, you know!

  • Do you have a minor laceration or ulceration that requires cleansing? Gauze roll? Non-adherent pads?

    Don't want to buy a whole box? We got you.

    If you can't reach or visualize the wound, please notify us ahead of time.

-Use American Sign Language to communicate? HoH here! You’re in good hands.

- También ofrecemos servicios in espanglish. Desafortunadamente, las formas de pacientes nuevas aún no han sido traducido. Si hablan espanglish, por favor envíenos un mensaje para que podríamos hacer una reunión virtual!


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